I installed two ONTAP 9.5P6 simulator nodes and changed the SN ofone node following the installation guide. I configured two single node clusters based on these two nodes. Then I found the cluster SN of both clusters is 1-80-000011.
After changing the serial number control + C no longer works to enter the boot menu. I get the message: 'System IDs do not match'. I think this is because there is no real NVRAM to write the new system ID to. So I choose y to over ride the sys ID and get the following:
netapp simulator change serial number
After you have purchased your Cloud Tiering license, you activate the license in BlueXP by entering the Cloud Tiering serial number and NSS account, or by uploading the NLF license file. The steps below show how to get the NLF license file if you plan to use that method.
In general the second simulator is configured like the first one. As a main difference you have to change the serial number and system id of the second VM and use the appropiate license numbers like already mentioned in Part 1.
The next type is the site license. This is tied to the cluster rather than a node serial number. The functionality is available to all nodes in the cluster, so your licensing at the cluster level. If a node leaves the cluster, it does not take the site license with it because this is a cluster-level license, not commonly used.
Note: The WWNN of a storage system is generated by a serial number in its NVRAM, but it is stored ondisk. If you ever replace a storage system chassis and reuse it in the same Fibre Channel SAN, it is possible, although extremely rare, that the WWNN of the replaced storage system is duplicated. In this unlikely event, you can change the WWNN of the storage system.
Sat Oct 23 18:04:09 GMT [fmm.domain.card.failure:error]: PAM II in slot 1 (model name X1938A-R5, serial number 5012345670, part number virgo-simulator): Flash device failed and needs to be updated or repaired or replaced.
82. We need to change the serial number on Node 2 to prevent a conflict with Node 1. Follow the next step exactly as described and be ready to click in the virtual machine window and press the spacebar quickly.
I am having tough time in aligning bullets in WordPress.\u00a0Bullets are bit misaligned in text format, hence posting the image format in top and text format in bottom. Will try to realign the\u00a0text format again.\n\n\n\nText Format:\nPolicy & Schedule\nlist \u2013 bppllist\nCreate \u2013\nPolicy \u2013 bppolicynew\nSchedule \u2013 bpplsched\n\nList and Modify\nAttributes \u2013 bpplinfo\nClients \u2013 bpplclients\n\n\nBackup selection \u2013 bpplinclude\nSchedule \u2013 bpplschedrep\nDelete \u2013 bppldelete & bpplsched\nList and modify DR policy \u2013 bpplcatdrinfo\nImage\nlist \u2013 bpimagelist \/ bpclimagelist\nInfo \u2013 bpimmedia\nCopy image in same NetBackup domain \u2013 bpduplicate\nCopy image between two different NetBackup domain \u2013 nbreplicate\nExpire \u2013 bpexpdate\nChange primary \u2013 bpchangeprimary\nCompress and remove \u2013 bpimage\nVerify backup image \u2013 bpverify\nlegal holds on backup images \u2013 nbholdutil\nImport NetBackup expired image \u2013 bpimport\n\nTape\nlist \u2013 vmcheckxxx \/ vmphyinv\nAdd \u2013 vmadd\nQuery \u2013 vmquery\nChange \u2013 vmchange\nDelete \u2013 vmdelete\nUpdate \u2013 vmupdate\nFreeze\/Unfreeze \u2013 bpmedia\nWrite or rewrite label \u2013 bplabel\nManage tape pools \u2013 vmpool\nTape drive configuration\nreconfigure the devices serial number change, verify and examine the tape drives connected to NDMP \u2013 tpautoconf\ncleaning of the tape drive \u2013 tpclean\n\n\nconfigures robots, drives, drive arrays, drive paths, and hosts \u2013 tpconfig\nupdate EMM database device mappings \u2013 tpext\ntape mount and un-mount \u2013 tpreq and tpunmount\nperform operator functions on drives \u2013 vmoprcmd\nBAR\nBackup \u2013 bpbackup\nRestore \u2013 bprestore\nArchive \u2013 bparchive\nList backed up\/archived files \u2013 bplist\nsearch files or folders \u2013 nbfindfile\n\nConnectivity\nBpclntcmd\ntest bpcd connections \u2013 bptestbpcd\ntest and analyze various configurations and connections \u2013 bptestnetconn\nanalyzes the NetBackup domain and its configurations \u2013 nbdna\n\nStorage unit\nInfo \u2013 bpstsinfo\nAdd \u2013 bpstuadd\nDelete \u2013 bpstudel\nList \u2013 bpstulist\nModify \u2013 bpsturep\nDisk Staging storage units\nAdd, delete and list \u2013 bpschedule\nModify \u2013 bpschedulerep\n\nNetBackup catalog database\nNBDB\nCreate \u2013 create_nbdb\nStart\/Stop \u2013 nbdb_admin\n\n\n\nBackup \u2013 nbdb_backup\nRestore \u2013 nbdb_restore\nUnload \u2013 nbdb_unload\nHealth check \u2013 nbdb_ping\nImage DB\nArchive \u2013 bpcatarc\nList \u2013 bpcatlist\n\nRemove \u2013 bpcatrm\nRestore \u2013 bpcatres\ncatalog format conversion \u2013 cat_convert\nexport image meta from NBDB to flat header files \u2013 cat_export\nimport image meta from flat files to NBDB \u2013 cat_import\nEMM DB\nupdate and view information \u2013 nbemmcmd\nstart nbemm \u2013 nbemm\n\nJobs DB \u2013\nCancel, suspend and list jobs \u2013 bpdbjobs\nFind jobs due in near future \u2013 nbpemreq\n\nstart and stop database server \u2013 nbdbms_start_server\nstarts and stops the Sybase ASA daemon \u2013 nbdbms_start_stop\nError catalog \u2013 bperror\nRecover selected NetBackup catalog components \u2013 bprecover\nNetBackup logs\nHandling unified logs\nConfiguration \u2013 vxlogcfg\nManaging log file generation \u2013 vxlogcmgr\n\n\nViewing log files \u2013 vxlogview\nCopy all logs \u2013 nbcplogs\nGathers a wide range of diagnostic information \u2013 nbsu\nDisk pool\nDisk pool create, delete, import and modify \u2013 nbdevconfig\nDisk pool query \u2013 nbdevquery\nremove deleted fragments from disk volumes \u2013 nbdelete\n\nBMR\nConfigure \u2013 bmrconfig \/ bmrepadm\nRestore\/discovery \u2013 bmrprep\nManage resources in BMR DB \u2013 bmrs\nManage SRT and Bootable CD \u2013 bmrsrtadm\n\nTrace an operation\nBackup \u2013 backuptrace\nRestore \u2013 restoretrace\nCatalog DB backup \u2013 backupdbtrace\nDuplicate \u2013 duplicatetrace\nImport \u2013 importtrace\nVerify \u2013 verifytrace\n\nNetBackup encryption\nInstall and configure \u2013 bpinst\ncreates or updates key file \u2013 bpkeyutil\n\n\u00a0\nSLP\nadd, delete, modify, or list NetBackup storage lifecycle policies \u2013 nbstl\nAdd, modify and list data classifications \u2013 nbdc\nActivate\/deactivate, cancel, list and report SLP operations \u2013 nbstlutil\n\nDecommission old server \u2013 nbdecommission\nVM Backups \u2013\nTest query rules for automatic selection \u2013 nbdiscover\nrestore VMware or Hyper-V virtual machines \u2013 nbrestorevm\nUpgrade policy type from FlashBackup-Windows to VMware or Hyper-V \u2013 nbplupgrade\n\nKMS Encryption \u2013 nbkmsutil\nMSEO \u2013\nList, convert and revert MSEO tape drives \u2013 cgconfig\nExport and import MSEO keys \u2013 cgadmin\n\nDeal with NetBackup licenses\nList, Add and delete licenses \u2013 bpminlicense\nMeasure license usage \u2013 nbdeployutil\n\nNetBackup Access control(NBAC)\nAuthentication tasks \u2013 bpnbat\nAuthorization tasks \u2013 bpnbaz\n\nNetBackup catalog consistency \u2013\nRun NBCC \u2013 nbcc\nRepair inconsistencies \u2013 nbccr\n\nDisk array \u2013\nLists attributes for plugins, storage servers, logical storage units (LSUs), and the images resides in disk \u2013 bpstsinfo\nMeasures a disk array\u2019s read and write speeds \u2013 nbperfchk\n\nModify HBA card device IDs \u2013 nbhba\nAudit trail\nActions that change the NetBackup configuration & NetBackup runtime objects. \u2013 nbauditreport\n\nResource allocation and deallocation \u2013 nbrbutil\nNetBackup vault\nVault menu interface for admins \u2013 vltadm\nVault menu interface for operators \u2013 vltopmenu\nmove volumes logically into containers \u2013 vltcontainers\neject media and generate reports \u2013 vlteject\ninject volumes into a robot \u2013 vltinject\nRun a NetBackup Vault session \u2013 vltrun\n\nStart NetBackup console\nJava console \u2013 jbpSA\nAdministration console \u2013 jnbSA\n\nNetBackup processes\nStop and start NetBackup processes\nWindows \u2013 bpdown and bpup\nLinux\/UNIX \u2013 \u201cnetbackup start\u201d and \u201cnetbackup stop\u201d\n\nList NetBackup processes \u2013 bpps\nList NB media manager process only \u2013 vmps\nstop the Media Manager device daemon \u2013 stopltid\nstart the media manager device daemon(ltid,tldcd,tldd,vmd) \u2013 ltid\n\nMenu driven interface commands \u2013\nConfigure and Monitor NetBackup operations \u2013 bpadm\nBackup, archive and restore for users \u2013 bp\nManage fibre transport \u2013 nbftadm\nConfigure tape devices and robots \u2013 tpconfig\nVault menu interface \u2013 vltadm\nVault menu interface for operators \u2013 vltopmenu\n\nSet and get configurations \u2013\nClient configuration \u2013 bpclient\nGlobal attributes configuration \u2013 bpconfig\nMaster\/Media and Client server configuration \u2013 bpsetconfig & bpgetconfig\nconfiguration info of a specified host in various formats \u2013 nbgetconfig & nbsetconfig\nChange resilient client configurations \u2013 resilient_clients\n\nCluster utilities \u2013\nModify and configure \u2013 bpclusterutil\n\n#netbackup, #netbackup-commands, #veritasShare this:EmailFacebookLinkedInReplyLike this:Like Loading...","permalink":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/2015\/12\/20\/netbackup-commands-quick-reference\/","unixtime":1450553184,"unixtimeModified":1451509208,"entryHeaderMeta":"","linkPages":"","footerEntryMeta":"","tagsRaw":"Netbackup, NetBackup commands, VERITAS","tagsArray":["label":"Netbackup","count":14,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/netbackup\/","label":"NetBackup commands","count":2,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/netbackup-commands\/","label":"VERITAS","count":3,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/veritas\/"],"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fannurkarthik.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F12%2F20%2Fnetbackup-commands-quick-reference%2F","hasPrevPost":false,"prevPostTitle":"","prevPostURL":"","hasNextPost":false,"nextPostTitle":"","nextPostURL":"","commentsOpen":true,"is_xpost":false,"editURL":null,"postActions":"Post 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have.\nRegards,\nMani\n","permalink":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/2015\/12\/20\/netbackup-commands-quick-reference\/#comment-322","unixtime":1454843439,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fannurkarthik.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F12%2F20%2Fnetbackup-commands-quick-reference%2F%23comment-322","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":1,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Reply\nLikeLike","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":"1454843440","hasChildren":false,"noprivUserName":"mani","noprivUserHash":"6291c2f442536f69e6c863645b9a9e54","noprivUserURL":"http:\/\/false","type":"comment","id":"323","postID":"186","postTitleRaw":"NetBackup Commands \u2013 Quick\u00a0reference","cssClasses":"comment byuser comment-author-annurkarthik bypostauthor odd alt depth-2","parentID":"322","contentRaw":"Why do you want to automate policy creation? Are you having a requirement to create bulk policies? If so, you can play with the commands starts with bppl. Detail me your requirement, I can give you some sample shell scripts ","contentFiltered":"Why do you want to automate policy creation? Are you having a requirement to create bulk policies? If so, you can play with the commands starts with bppl. Detail me your requirement, I can give you some sample shell scripts \n","permalink":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/2015\/12\/20\/netbackup-commands-quick-reference\/#comment-323","unixtime":1455055578,"loginRedirectURL":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fannurkarthik.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F12%2F20%2Fnetbackup-commands-quick-reference%2F%23comment-323","approved":true,"isTrashed":false,"prevDeleted":"","editURL":null,"depth":2,"commentDropdownActions":"","commentFooterActions":"Reply\nLikeLike","commentTrashedActions":"Untrash","mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","commentCreated":1455055578,"hasChildren":false,"userLogin":"annurkarthik","userNicename":"annurkarthik"],"postFormat":"standard","postMeta":"isSticky":false,"postTerms":"category":["label":"Veritas NetBackup","count":20,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/category\/data-protection\/veritas-netbackup\/"],"post_tag":["label":"Netbackup","count":14,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/netbackup\/","label":"NetBackup commands","count":2,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/netbackup-commands\/","label":"VERITAS","count":3,"link":"https:\/\/annurkarthik.wordpress.com\/tag\/veritas\/"],"post_format":[],"pluginData":[],"isPage":false,"mentions":[],"mentionContext":"","isTrashed":false,"userLogin":"annurkarthik","userNicename":"annurkarthik"}]Karthikeyan Sundaram6:32 PM on December 18, 2015Tags: NetBackup7.8, NetBackupBeta NetBackup 7.8 Beta is outLooking to test the upcoming version of NetBackup? NetBackup 7.8 Beta is out. Check out.