The Hero Tier subscription grants a number of benefits. The site normally features ads, and the character builder limits free users to 6 active characters at any given time.[67][81] However, the Hero Tier subscription removes ads, and allows users to create an unlimited number of characters.[67][81] In addition, while homebrew content that users choose to publish on the site is free to view for anyone (even without an account), the Hero Tier subscription allows users to add published homebrew content to their collection; this content can then be used in the rest of the toolset, including the character builder.[67][81] Finally, this tier grants early access to some new tools as they are developed. For instance, before it was made available to everyone, the encounter builder went through an alpha testing phase, during which Hero and Master Tier subscribers could make use of it and provide feedback to help identify bugs and guide future development.
More likely his objection was that Apple would have to pay for it, but then couldn't recover those costs by selling it to users.If it had been entirely free he's less likely to have cared. Apple do give away a lot of software that they themselves obtained for free, they just don't like doing so under the terms of GPLv3 because that requires any patents covering it also be made available. They are fine with GPLv2, BSD etc and make heavy use of code covered under those terms.
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